Sunday, December 11, 2005

nero fiddles while gordon burns

God I'm so slack, two weeks without a post! So what's been happening I hear you cry? Somebody is reading this I presume? Well briefly I've been to see a wonderful gig in Sheffield City Hall featuring the splendid Rufus Wainwright and the equally wonderful Guillemots, saw part of Antony & the Johnsons set at Bristol Academy before departing for the hospital, seen Helen receive two cool pieces of news (firstly she's exhibiting her photographs at the Little Gallery in Oxford Feb 20 to Mar 5 2006 and secondly she has an interview on Tuesday for her teacher training course), I've booked tickets to see the Research and Death Cab for Cutie next year, reviewed Silver Sun and * Armstrong CDs, released and sold lots of copies of the undertheigloo album, went to the Nightshift Xmas meal and met lots of people who write under pseudonyms, interviewed James Broad from Silver Sun and been for two job interviews.
Tomorrow I go to see Ben Folds at the NIA in Birmingham which is very exciting indeed. Here's hoping for less audience chatter and general toing and froing in the seated venue we saw him in Southampton earlier in the year.
Finally if you want to go and buy something music wise tomorrow, I can heartedly recommend 'Mountains' by the Spinto Band (7" only), 'Alas Agnes' by the Mystery Jets and if you're really quick go and get one of the remaining copies 'Trains To Brazil' by Guillemots.

Today's header is from 'Joy Division Oven Gloves' by Half Man Half Biscuit


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